Software developers in various industries are worried about their career growth. 1 in 3 Dutch developers isn’t confident in their career growth at their company. Also, startups do not have a great track record on this topic yet. Research on SMEs shows that especially development of management skills is not initiated. Consequently, promotions happen without high clarity of experience, expectations, and role models, and the retention rate goes down. However, this also means that there is much growth possible for startups.
Research shows that mentoring, strategic leadership, knowledge sharing, and highlighting employee developments on social media have a great potential to foster competency development, which is critical to evoke effective commitment of young employees, which in turn results in intention to stay forth.
Luckily, startups can leverage their noticeable ability to engage employees by enculturating. The unique and energetic culture at startups is one of its best selling points. Making people feel like they belong is shown to increase work engagement and job satisfaction, lower quit rates, and improve performance. It’s not surprising that startups account for higher job growth than any individual sector and have shown strong resilience during COVID-19.